Vantage Point With Keli
My name is Keli, and yes its a tribal name. It means second. No deep cultural roots. Born and raised in a third world country, moved away to South Africa for almost a decade and now looking onward to the next thing. No longer in South Africa. I love video games, films, music and occasionally comment on culture and politics. I also write.
I use this page as a blog of sort. Find musings here, current content I'm consuming and creating plus a few bonuses.
Identity begins and ends with Christ.
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July 29, 2021
Terra Nova TV Show, Quick Thoughts

Just started re-watching 2011's Terra Nova the sci-fi TV show from fox and I'm already swept up in it. Even though the budget was reportedly quite high and ultimately was one of the reasons it wasn't renewed for a second season, the CGI, even at the time looked and felt cheap. One had the feeling that even though a lot of effort went into making the future desolate planet earth look and feel authentic, it didn't quite work. I had this thought when I first watched the tv show when it came out and I had them again today. This was during peak Fringe, also by Fox, which always felt like high budget tv show even for back then. It is to be noted that this is only in the vast montages of the earth which make up the establishing shots. Close ups and any other CGI used throughout the show apart from large scale scenes was barely noticeably.
I love how science fiction always has a way of transporting us to the future that is very similar to what we are currently living through yet at the same time be very dissimilar.
The casting choices for the TV show were solid as were the performances by all the actors. They had a way of bringing this world to life and to make it believable. They sold the premise of the show well. It does help that one of the lead actors had a terrific turn in Spielberg's Avatar, who incidentally is a co-creator of the show. The show has a welcome sense of discovery to stand the premise of having the setting be back in time as opposed to forward in time was inspired. It certainly still feels fresh today as it ever was.
The set pieces and set design do deserve special mention as they did look very authentic. There was functionality to the design of implements, items, living quarters, vehicles used, guns, etc. They helped sell this world as a real place and this time travel adventure as a real story with actual people with actual stakes involved.

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January 26, 2025
On Sound Design & NPC Behaviour: Days Gone

Notice how the NPCs run for shelter as soon as it starts pouring with rain. This was so random yet it adds depth to the world as the these feel like real people with real lives going through the apocalypse as best they can.

Also, if you have headphones, hear if you can pick up the depth of the sound design. The pitter-patter of the rain drops as they strike different surfaces. It all sounds different giving a wide range to the sound helping with the immersion. Especially if you play using headphones.

January 26, 2025
Environmental storytelling in Avatar: Frontiers Of Pandora

Notice the burnt out mech struck through with arrows and dead soldier laying next to it. As the map is so large I can’t remember if I did this and the game engine stored the data to keep the world consistent or if this was strategically placed here by the devs to tell the story of a battle, more a fight, between Naavi and the RDA soldier.

Either way, really cool attention to detail. It helps make this world feel lived in.

January 25, 2025
More Art For Today: Dead Island 2 Title Sequence

After well over a year still desperately in love with this sequence. Also, the choice of music was perfect. It’s really cool how Dying Light’s title sequence fills me with dread, this fills me cautious optimism I may make it out of Hell. A

Song is “Drown" by Karen O. & Danger Mouse

November 28, 2023
Thoughts On Illegal Immigration Podcast Format

Due to the surge of illegal immigration the world over, it does seem that there are a lot of misconceptions about legal migration.
Some quick thoughts from personal experience👇

Thoughts On Illegal Immigration Podcast Format
February 02, 2023
The Gaming Podcast Ep 2

Xbox Developer Direct, PSVR2 & More...

The Gaming Podcast Ep 2
January 22, 2023
The Gaming Podcast(Audio Only)

Hey Everyone,
To those who prefer listening as to watching. Find the premier episode of The Gaming Podcast below. We cover Hogwarts Legacy, Dead Space Remake, Xbox Performance Issues, Sony Dominance in the single player narrative driven space and more...

The Gaming Podcast(Audio Only)
January 15, 2025
On Farming|Short Film

Recently got to spend time with my dad who also happens to keep some livestock. Was an interesting experience which gave me some perspective on farming.
My latest short film👇

February 02, 2025
Art For Today: Ghost In A Shell(2017)

Finally watched this and I really love it in spite of the negative reviews. I wonder if politics/virtue signalling was involved in some of the rotten tomato scores. Really well shot. Practically every frame is a painting. Production design is really a standout. Each frame is dripping with realism from money well spent. Well realised world and wonderful score and sound design.

To be fair though, I haven’t watched the original anime/read the manga it’s based on. Currently not available in my location.

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January 26, 2025
Art For Today: Sonic The Hedgehog

Surprisingly so much fun! Second time watching it and I'm absolutely blown away. Perfect casting.
Have preordered Sonic The Hedgehog 3 but not sure when it will be available, could be a few months. Meanwhile, will catch the second film soon.

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January 19, 2025
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Darkness Rising

I follow the non woke left on X and every now and again they retweet something from Dave Chappell or some comedian they happen to agree with(usually if they touch on the Gaza Strip). It’s often the said comedian/personality etc giving President Trump advice on how best to govern and what to do differently next time round. Their soliloquies often completely dismiss Trump as a leader and more importantly as a person. He’s just an object to be lectured at and to fulfil their wishes and desires. They clearly despise him. They undersell or understate his achievements and still believe in every other hoax.

I’m not an American but even I can feel bitterness encroaching on the edges of my heart. Like shadows creeping up along the edge of a forest before consuming it whole. Bitterness at the arrogance of said commentators/personalities. Bitterness at their wilful ignorance. Bitterness at them for attempting to rob Trump of his humanity. Sometimes I'm tempted to unfollow these accounts but I'm reminded that it gives me a perspective I don't have on many shared issues.

Image credit here.

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January 14, 2025
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The Insufferable, Insatiable Desire To Hate

There seems to be an eargeness amongst some in the populace to find an object to be subjected to their ire. A singular evil in which the warlocks of the interwebs can gather covens of similarly minded witches and vent out their frustrations on. Pinning all the worlds ills on their chosen voodoo doll. For the past 8 years or so their chosen voodoo doll has been one Donald J. Trump. Presently, this dishonour seems to be split between the president-elect and entrepreneur Elon Musk. While public figures should not be free from criticism, a lot of the criticism lobbed at these men reeks of infantility.

The slightest perceived infraction will feed online streams with rivers of commentary that ultimately denounce either of these men as one form of evil or another. The latest of these internet witch trials, convenved by the internet's Wizengamot is over Mr. Musk's gaming abilities. Some seem to believe that Mr. Musk is not as good as he claims to be or he has hired someone to game for him and keep him atop gaming leaderboards in Diablo IV and Path Of Exile. This purported great evil act has been used as a springboard for many to dive into an ocean of bile made up of their own vomit. Self-made internet psychiatrists have surmised that this purported fakery by Musk portends a great evil. To them it is proof positive of his machinations to "interfere" with foreign governments.

Allowing ourselves, for the briefest of moments, to partake in this banquet of hatred, does this trivial nonsense outweigh the complete and total exposure of British Elite in the rape gang scandal? Perhaps not being good at Path of Exile is of greater import than the courage to stand up to the tyranny of censorship? I would have thought these people pariahs but it turns out we are the exiles. Cast out from their ocean of self loathing onto the shores of sanity.

Image credits here.

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January 12, 2025
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Snyder's Misinterpretation Of The Batman Character

I finally watched Batman V Superman(Ultimate edition). I think Snyder's greatest obstacle is that he misinterpreted the character. Perhaps he had wanted to subvert the audience's expectations with his rendition. Unfortunately, I don't think the material quite lands. A lot more questions are raised than Mr. Snyder cares to answer and this leaves one with the sense that the questions were either unintentional or inserted for the sake of creating an air mystery where none was needed.

Why is Wayne Manor abandoned? It is key to the mythos of the Batman character in nearly all interpretations of the character. Almost a character in itself. While Mr. Wayne and Alfred have always been criminals this has always been in reference to the law(breaking and entering, vigilantism, etc). Here it seems Bruce embraces criminality as a philosophy. Why is Batman afraid of Superman? In the source material he is afraid of Superman's power. He is not afraid of being killed by him. Bruce has always embraced his own mortality. His greatest fear is that he will fail Gotham and thus also fail his parents. When did Batman embrace live rounds in Mr. Snyder's rendition? In the source material when forced to use ammunition he uses rubber bullets. While being on the edge of becoming a murderer, Batman did not kill the Joker, Joker snapped his own neck to prove a point.

Additionally, I think Amy Adams' Lois Lane and Jessy Eisenberg's Lex Luthor were horribly miscast. Miss Adams' performance attempts to give gravitas to a role that doesn't have much. Eisenberg on the other hand is simply not Lex Luthor. The words coming out of his mouth are right but his mannerism and characterisation imply he is an imposter who has only read footnotes about Mr. Luthor. He lacks the flare, charisma and drive that the Luthor of old has.

While Mr. Snyder has injected some of his signature camera work into the final product, a lot of it seems devoid of meaning. Cool shots that portend to a deeper symbolism but lack the substance to support the portrait being painted. Preceding shots don't seem to lend themselves to any deeper visual story telling that would help decipher the symbolism of the cooler follow up shots thus they end up being all style and no substance. 

Image credits here.

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