At times I find myself vascillating between opening up more social media channels to be able to have at least some engagement on the pieces I write or the videos I make. In February this year I finally opened up a twitter account. The sole purpose of that was to be able to find useful and meaningful sources of information with regard to the ongoing war as I wasn't content with most of what I was receiving. This hasn't changed. I think Twitter's importance far outweighs its ills and its usefulness as a tool(and at times a weapon)is what has made it relevant, especially for those who just seek informaton, not the constant tassling with roving gangs of twitterati.
However, every single idea that I consider to be of importance to me, and by extension to others, has been birthed or at least nurtured to maturity on locals. This is from ideas I have for videos or the written essays that I enjoy putting out. Often, thoughts percolating in my mind are bred in captivity on locals before being set free to roam the wilds of the interwebs. More than just being a farm for thoughts, locals has also proven to be a field of bountiful yield. While many have chosen to use locals to debate and engage around ideology and politics, as was intended by locals' creators, it also serves as a useful avenue for distributing hope and ideas. A place for sharing likes and dislikes, music playlists and movie suggestions.
While I do feel like a frontiersman who's wandered off just to the edge of the settlement on his lonesome, the call of the wild beckons and my heart yearns to establish something that will outlast me. A locals page that serves not only as my mind palace but an oasis that offers much needed respite to weary internauters. Happy hour all day as I bar tend to the needs of others through my hopefully unique offerings. A place we can all call our own and welcome each other not only as natives but as locals.