While many Americans are upset, and rightfully so, with Mr. Zuckerberg for his part in the American censorship regime, his recent about turn should be welcomed with open arms. Some have posited that he lacked the courage to stand up for free speech principles when it most mattered and has only poked his head out of the sand now that the winds of change are sweeping through the American continent. While past transgressions should not be free of consequences, they can still be forgiven. Better to have an enemy who later on becomes a close ally and friend than have an enemy for eternity.
Rather than shutting Zuckerberg out and lashing out at him at this moment, Americans should use the silver bullets he just handed them and slay the permanent adminstrative state. Smoke out this beast and its minions from every hole in the ground and drive them to the brink of hell. The war hasn't been won yet. The tide just shifted with many more gaining the courage to join in. While all men have been created equal, all men don't share equal amounts of courage, character or spirit. While Mr. Zuckerberg seems to have found his courage, he needs to be encouraged to flush out all of his deamons.
In his short video address, Mr. Zuckerberg has laid bare the sick censorship schemes stemming from the EU, the UK and the American government not to people alread in the know but potentially billions of Facebook/WhatsApp users. He has shattered the falsehoods from the corporate media by confirming that the American government has been in the business of censorship and in particular collusion to censor with foreign actors. Hopefully, more denizens of the EU will finally be awakened to the fact that the media and their governements have been lying to them. The explosion of the Pakistani Rape Gangs scandal in the UK a good case in point.
This being said, there is a possibility that Mr. Zuckerberg's change of heart has come about in the interests of self preservation. In the aftermath of the horrific New Orleans terror attack, the FBI have pointed out that the alleged terrorist was wearing Meta's smart glasses. Perhaps, he's just realised the devils he's been in bed with for years mean to have him for breakfast. It could also be that he fears what a full scale enquiry at the censorship scandal could unearth with the incoming Trump adminstration. Speculation aside, this is an overall positive for the American people and the rest of us.
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