Generally I don't comment on my home country, not because I don't want to but because often it feels like I don't have anything meaningful to add to the conversation. I also happen to be wilfully ignorant of a lot. When you grow up in a third world country there is no hope in politics, ideology or movements. As my dad says, in Africa only God can help us. While the statement drips of cynicism I actually do agree with it albeit for different reasons. Not just as a prescription for the third world but for the whole world. Hope isn't in ideology, movements or politics, only in Truth.
The tragedy of the third world isn't that politics can't be used as a force for good and for change. It's that often these concepts are high minded and take generations to seep into the public psyche, to only then be wiped out each election cycle. As one internauter put it, politics are a retirement plan, not a means for effective change.
I left the country not because I dislike it but because in third world countries one hits a ceiling in terms of development. Culture is different, tastes are different and the public has a limited set of desires based around one aspect: Survival. One doesn't get the opportunity to dream in that environment. Its part of why I've been planning to leave again as soon as I can. Also, my identity is not in my nationality, tribe or skin colour. I happen to be a citizen of another country. I have been since 2011 and that changed a lot in me.
I will perhaps put a proper piece together in the coming days.