Thoughts On The Difference Between American Corruption & Corruption Elsewhere
From awhile back:
"If one were to follow a thread through all my essays a particular pattern will begin to emerge. I write predominantly to address issues of identity and to explore the depth of American corruption both in government and in the corporate media. While there is corruption in third world countries and quasi-developed countries such as South Africa, it is of a different breed to American corruption.
Corruption in third world countries and non-western nations seems to be of a pure strain. Often, it’s out of greed and incompetence. While lethal, it is a slow acting poison that even though ultimately deadly, many have built up an immunity to after being subjected to it for decades on end. Either by being apathetical or being coopted into being a part of it. It isn’t just in the air they breathe, it is in the food they eat and in the water they drink. Corruption in third wold countries and other non-western nations isn’t tied to the upper echelons of government and those in the halls of power. Corruption is prevalent on such a wide scale that it is sadly an acceptable norm. It isn’t just a culture. It is a way of life. One that runs through society from the fat cats in politics to the lowliest shop keeper trying to peddle their wares to the local populace at grass roots levels.
American corruption is of a different breed. Not pure. Mixed in this concoction of evil are potent ingredients such as ideological supremacy, hubris and vindictiveness. American corruption isn’t pervasive amongst the populace and is not an acceptable part of culture. It is institutionalised. A powerful potion which is meted out to the public in dollops at a time. As it slowly poisons the well of American ingenuity and democracy many are waking up to its destructiveness. It would seem that we are at a watershed moment in history where an elixir to counter its effects is being brewed by a conglomerate of those willing to venture outside establishment norms. American corruption is of a special breed because it not only affects America. It affects the world at large."-Keli.
Note: My perspective in the linked article on some of the things I wrote about then have since changed.
Excerpt from: