About a week or so ago I came across a piece by a former DeSantis campaign staffer written as a sort of post-mortem on the now dead and buried DeSantis presidential run. In his analysis the former staffer blamed the implosion of the Presidential campaign on the pro-Trump online team and Governor DeSantis' inability to stir up a sense of urgency in the voting populace. In his view, DeSantis had everything going for him but failed to deliver his message in a way that would hit a home run with Americans. President Trump on the other hand was able to not only have his message resonate with many but also frame his re-election as a matter of survival for the great nation. He surmised that Trump had been able to stir up a sense of urgency by creating the perception that this was a do or die affair.
Ruminating on the post-mortem I couldn't help but wonder at the disconnect between the campaign staffer, the DeSantis campaign and the rest of America. More importantly it staggered me that the staffer failed to see what the rest of us saw: While Mr. DeSantis may be viewed as a great governor his campaign reeked of dishonesty but more importantly was doused in the stench of personal ambition being put before the needs of the entire nation. Many Americans feel that the country is in dire straights. This is more than a perception. Its the reality on the ground. The persecution of the former President should have been a clarion call rallying to Trump all especially those loathe to support him. Yet, DeSantis seemed keen to set out a tea set and lay out his grandmothers finest doilies for those who were seeking to destroy Mr. Trump.
At this juncture, America's destiny is entertwined with that of one Donald J. Trump. The attempt to destroy Trump isn't just an attack on a person. Its an attack on American institutions and an open show of force by those who've been living large off the backs of ordinary Americans. Through it all Trump has kept on fighting, perhaps for his own sake but evidently for the country's sake. DeSantis is still organising his tea parties while the rest of the village is being razed to the ground. The #NeverTrump folk affiliated with the alternative Presidential campaigns were always cheerleading the death of America. It seems they'd gambled that they would be able to rebuild amidst the rubble an America in their own image as they raked in the spoils of this war. Fortunately, America is no longer a country for old men. The establishment types who maintained the status quo regardless of who was in office. The facade is forever shattered. No more masquerades. The authentic will remain, the inauthentic will fade into obscurity and irrelevance. Trump wasn't simply a pioneer in calling out their shenanigans. He became professor and the rest of us students in his masterclass exposing American corruption.
*Picture Credit: Pinterest