I just watched a brief Tom Fitton section on twitter and felt something stir up in me that I haven't felt in a long time. Not a hope for a swift victory but a desire to stay on in the battlefield and to keep on fighting. Discouragement has laid many to waste wiping out even the most enthusiastic amongst us. Chiefly because we keep on placing trust in those originally entrusted to deliver hope and freedom. Sadly, they are failing and have failed in their mandate. Caught in the sunk cost fallacy many fail to realise that they will not return the investment. Placing hope in many of our elected leaders is investing and re-investing in a ponzi scheme of undeliverables. Quick and cheap rewards at the start kept us motivated but in the end its all a house of cards.
It is high time for Americans to divest from these charlatans and re-invest in the men and women doing the actual work. Divest from Con Inc, liberal media and the rest of the entertainers including many in elected office. Re-invest in those putting their foot to the plough and through the gruelling labour bringing home some bacon. Meals not just for sustenance but plenty to be passed around to those in need. Much needed fuel to keep the supply chain of hope going and keep up the endurance to stave off the encroaching shadows of disappointment. Little embers here and there that bejewel the battle field turning a carpet of despair and darkness into a sea of many tiny stars. Gems encrusted in our local communities a reminder of what and why we are fighting.
*Picture Credit: Pinterest.