Recently, Matt Walsh of the Daily Wire & Matt Walsh Show did a piece to camera on the wokalisation of video games. In particular, he focused on companies hell bent on infusing their world view into the medium of gaming. This was spurred on by a firestorm of controversy ignited by Sweet Baby Inc, a DEI consultancy company that had attempted to take down a Steam group which highlighted titles the company had been involved with. While Walsh's coverage wasn't favourable to "gamers" as a group, it highlighted the insidious nature of woke propaganda and how it was being shovelled down consumers throats, often to the detriment of the artistry of the products being offered.
While a welcome voice to champion the need to have independence from American government corruption via its various DEI schemes, some gamers were displeased by Walsh's characterisation of the medium. Walsh is entitled to his own opinions about gaming and gaming culture. However, demonising him and his Con Inc. platform is counterproductive. More than ever we need more voices decrying this madness but more importantly those with a prominent reach. In order for legislative action to be enacted by legislators they first have to have wind of the situation on the ground. Geeks and Gamers is a wonderful gaming outfit but does not necessarily have the ear of prominent American leadership. The Matt Walsh show segment has served as a bullhorn, albeit one that is horribly out of tune, to proclaim the dangers of the DEI cataclysm affecting a significant American industry.
It is prudent to grab on to a helping hand, however diseased, rather than clutch on to straws while drowning in a deluge of gaming industry impropriety. The petty battles over who has been championing the "anti-woke" cause the longest can wait until the war is finally won. Only then can we have the luxury to squable over credit and personal attitudes towards video games.