With the recent passing of journalistic great John Pilger, I've spent a morning going through some of his reporting on the various American military scandals and other important topics for the independent minded. While humbled by a lot of his reporting, especially on the Iraq war and his unwavering support for Julian Assange, I couldn't help but notice obvious streaks of ideology pouring into some of his work. Thankfully, due to his steadfast pursuit of truthful reporting this is not a hindrance to the readability of his content. Its more something that registered mildly in the back of my mind as I read along.
Watching his documentary on the Iraq War deceptions, I couldn't help but notice the similarities between the propaganda tactics used then, to devastating effect, to the propaganda tactics used during the hateful and hurtful Russia Collusion Hoax. While the full impact of the enduring hoax is perhaps yet to be felt, it was quite signifacnt as it not only rent America in half, it has fueled geopolitical ignorance the world over and in particular with the war in Eastern Europe. The hoax may pale in significance to the WMD scam but it is proof positive of the success of age old propaganda tactics used by the National Security State.
Pilger's writing is remarkably silent on the issue even though it has been front and centre of American public life and global politics for the past 6 or so years. Perhaps Pilger didn't feel the need to comment on it as many others have or perhaps there was some animus towards the subject of the hoax as is ever present amongst many in the anti-war left. Needless to say, having read some of his other work, his voice would have undoubtedly helped add clarity to many who fell hook, line and sinker for these delusions. For many, without the Trump years the depth of media deceit would have remained unknown and unknowable as they abandoned reason and sanity to peddle obvious manure.
Nevertheless, we need more of his brand of journalism going forth and may the legacy he has left behind carry on with the rest of us.
Picture Credit: John Pilger,