From the very start of the renewed Israeli-Palestinine conflict my stance as in every other war has been the same: Pursue peace not vengeance. It seems that signifcant swathes of the American populace have precluded the notion of peace because of who and what Hamas are. Furthermore, many have eschewed the idea completely because of the hypocrisy of those supporting the Palestinians. In essence, civillians in the Gaza strip, West Bank and elsewhere in this troubled region are being written off because America's left are in support of them. Civillians who many of the left in America have never met or even cared for before this conflict. The souls in Gaza have intrinsic value regardless of who is in support of them. Whether its genuine support or support for the sake of spite.
Some have suggested that this war is spiritual thus American Jews are behoved to support the IDF in its reckless bombing campaigns as what happened on October 7th may eventually happen to American Jews. This is nonsense. How many American & even Israeli Jews consider themselves attuned to Judaism? All wars are in deed spiritual. The demons that facilitate them aren't Valek or the Annabelle Doll, they come in the form of Lindsay Graham, Nikki Haley, Mike Pompeo amongst many more. Jewish lives are of no more or no less value than Palestinian lives regardless of ideology. The goal here should be to facilitate a peace process in spite of the many hurdles along the way.
Many are quick to point out that a majority of Palestinians are in favour of the terrorist actions of Hamas on October 7th as justification for Israeli actions in the Gaza Strip. While it is true that a super majority of Palestinians support the Hamas Incursion on October 7th, 89% of them do not think that Hamas committed any war crimes are carried out any heinous atrocities. More importantly, 85% of Palestinians have not seen/claim to have not seen the videos depicting acts of terror committed by Hamas against Civillians. The support for the October 7th attacks is often misstated as a tacit approval of the purported methods used by Hamas. It is possible that there is willful ignorance amongst some to Hamas' modus operandi but it is doubtful that this would be a super majority. It is also possible that there is a lot of distrust towards anything published in the international media with regard to the October 7th attacks amongst Palestinians. These are people living in the worst of conditions having fire rain down upon them from the heavens on an almost daily basis. I doubt there is time to ponder the philosophies of Hamas. In contrast, per a poll conducted in late October this year, nearly 95% of Israelis believe that the IDF is either using too little fire power or just the right amount. If these numbers still hold true, a super majority of Israelis are in favour of Netanyahu's madness. This will not end well for any of us.
Amongst some Evangelicals in America there is this false belief that Christians are to support Israel even when the nation acts contrary to scripture. The Israel of today is not the Israel of old. Even if this were still the Israel of old, there were many times when ungodly kings rose up and led the people astray. The nation was thoroughly chastised for this. They were defeated in battle and many of them massacred by their sworn enemies. The call of the great commission is for believers to share the gospel to the Jew first, then the greek. In this context, the Israelis and the Palestinians alike. Not to cheerlead Amargeddon because of the boogeymen of false religions in pursuit of false deities exploited by the American security state to its own ends. I neither support the Israeli nor Palestinian side of this conflict. I support the countless souls that would have otherwise been spared were it not for those cheerleading the annhilation of Gaza. We need peace, for all our sakes.