Cocooned by the wind on a wintry night, on the edge of a desolate battlefield we sit. Seat of our pants worn out, gloves torn and dirty from having to often crawl on all fours. Battleworn, scarred and dirty. Myriad horrific tales etched out in the cracks on our dry skin. Whistling lullabies that lull as to sleep next to the crackling fire as the soot filled coffee courses its way through our veins. Its warmth just enough to get us to the edge of sleep. The nightmares that we've just lived through offer us no respite as they lie in wait in the depths of our dreams. Yet, laying next to you, I find comfort. Your face across mine keeps the sparks of life alive in me. The camaraderie we share my lifeline in this seemingly never ending war.
Suddenly I'm awake. The fire that kept us company has been reduced to dying embers. In panic I realise you are no longer with me. In vain I pat the ground around me seeking out your form even though it is evident you've been swallowed by the shadows. In truth you weren't kidnapped. You embraced the shadows as they spirited you away far from me. As dawn cracks open the pitch black night it dawns on me that I was always all alone. You were never here. You were but a mere projection of my own desires. You may have not been real but your company kept me alive as I trudged along the many open miles. In truth it was always my own company that kept me. As this part of the journey draws to a close, the next chapter beckons. Hope is just but a hill crest away.
Picture Credit: Pinterest.