The hallmark of the current administration and the permanent administrative state over the past few years hasn't been desperation. Its been recklessness. When folk think that they have no other way to succeed they turn to desperate methods. Desperate times call for desperate measures after all. However, when one is so used to getting away with things they become carefree but more importantly careless. Complacent to carry out the necessary checks to ensure even their own survival.
While many believe it's desperation that leads them to their acts, I beg to differ. These aren't desperate people. They have all 3 branches(& the fabled 4th) along with them for their ride. Working in perfect harmony with each other. They've pushed the envelope so far without any meaningful resistance and more importantly with very little consequences. To top it all off they have a significant segments of the public in support of their heinous acts both locally and internationally. Propaganda mixed in with human nature is highly potent fuel for chaos and anarchy.
I fear for the future. Not because my hope isn't elsewhere but because of the pain and hurt in the interim. I don't like hurt. I worry about the lack of resolve and leadership on many of America's ailments. Diseases which ooze out of the Swamp and slowly infect the rest of the global populace. I'm worried that the cure many of us carry is in short supply elsewhere and even when sufficient there is no means of delivery. Worse, antibodies wary of truth serum fight it off as some are happy being the infected. No cares for tomorrow or the future, just this moment and the instant gratification it brings. In pursuit of godhood they've become slaves to themselves. Sooner or later these self-made deities will push it too far and unwittingly immolate themselves to their own whims. Sadly, they may take many of us with them.
Image credit: Pinterest