At the onset of the Russia-Ukraine war and during the siege of Mariupol, now Russian controlled, Azov neo-Nazi thugs took women and children into the steel plants with them under the pretext of offering them protection from Russian troops. In reality, it does seem that these women and children were taken as human shields but more importantly as a bargaining chip to keep Russian troops from storming the steel works and either killing or capturing the Azov Nazis. America's corrupt and beyond worthless media served as a useful ally running interference by spreading far and wide the white knight propaganda about Azov's intentions. The Russians never once stormed the steel works to capture the insurgents. They waited them out and eventually the Azov thugs surrendered.
At any point during the standoff the Russians could have stormed the steel works and made a quick work of the insurgents and would be hostages/accomplices in the women and children. Regardless of the bloodgulit in Azov's hands, had the civillains been injured or worse, the onus to protect the civillains was always with the Russians. Any moves against the Azov Nazis would have been called a war crime. It also would have been the easiest way to end the standoff and solve the Mariupol problem permanently. Something similar is and has been happening with the Israel-Palestinian issue and the storming of the Gaza strip and other places in this region. There is no doubt that Hamas uses human shields. There is also no doubt that part of their tactics seem to ensure maximum civillain casualties. However, it is very clear that the IDF has chosen to take the easy way out each time with maximum civillian casualties.
The Hamas problem is not basic arithmetic, its higher algebra and one that has to be handled with finesse to avoid the chaotic scenes unfolding and the callous aproach to human life, civillain or otherwise. PM Netanyahu is not a priest or a prophet, he does seem a scoundrel reeling from the humiliation of the October 7th terrorist attacks and in retaliation has gone off on a revenge killing spree. Israel is analogous to Russia in this terrible situation. No matter how justified Israelis feel about retaliating against hamas, vengeance is not justice. More importantly, as they are in the clear position of power the burden of proof is on them and it is incredibly high. Ridiculous, obviously doctored "phone calls" between Hamas operatives or hastily put together impracticable evacuation plans that seem merely a pretext to go on revenge killings do not cut it. As is labelling anyone and everything that moves Hamas or in service of Hamas.
The histrionics from the non-woke left are to be expected but are not unjustified. This is ideological for them. When everything is some shade of racism, colonialism, imperialism and is infused with a thick layer of victimhood mentality Isreal's atrocities against civillians can only but be seen as genocide. Even if these actions do not meet the requisite standard to be labelled as such. Giving civillians a 24hr evacuation window and asking them to up and leave the little they have behind is as insulting as it is reprehensible. Military solutions do not solve ideological problems. Bullets and bombs will not magically achieve what conversation and dialogue cannot. Adopting Bin-Laden's reasoning to kill civillians neither justifies the IDF's nor Hamas' recklessn and callous approach to the sanctity of life. There is no quick and clean solution to the Gaza Hamas problem. Israel has chosen the quick way out. Perhaps out of a sense of emasculation and humiliation rather than a quest for a lasting peace. We need peace, not endless bombing runs that achieve nothing other than serve as a Hamas multiplier.