Ever since the horrific events in Israel this past weekend, there has been a pulpable anger amongst many Americans. Fear and loathing mixed into a potent elixir that seems to be turning ordinarily sane men into lunatics. Twitter postings once akin to Luther's 99 thesis have now turned into manifestos beying for the blood of innocents. All in the name of retribution against the wave of terror unleashed by Hamas. Nothing is being held in reserve. No self control just bloodlust.
The Bush adminstration talked of winning hearts and minds when they waged a terror campaign in the Middle East on the pretext of a hoax. This time round, there is no need for much convincing. The roles have been reversed. The terrorists are winning hearts and minds. Filling hearts with hatred and minds with irrational thoughts. Perhaps that was the end goal to this terror? The horrifc images plastered all over social media have created a storm of emotion rife for harvesting. Men have turned themselves gods wilfully banishing others to premature deaths. Some pretend to be kings in pursuit of foreign kingdoms to conquer. In reality, they are neither gods nor kings. Just mere men. Prone to err.
The Middle East isn't grade school maths. It's higher calculus. A simple miscalculation may set the whole area ablaze. This time round, it may not just be Israel or Palestine, it may be all of us. Even as we mourn the dead, we need to strive to pursue peace. For all mankind.
Image Credit: Bioshock Poster(Pinterest)