Comfort hoped for, comfort desired yet comfort missed. Funny how this heart beats for you yet the seeds of love remain but mere saplings. Stunted in growth seemingly forever trapped in limbo. Stems yearning, leaves reaching out for more as our conversation waters the ground they are planted in. Fertile soil yet little sunlight. The rays of a possible love for me emanating from your heart in suspended animation. Perhaps a figment of my imagination. Always en route but fated to never reach their destination. Yet, minds still meld and the wisps of thoughts intertwine in a field of stars. Role playing in games constructed by the very company we enjoy. Will there be any shelter from the fallout when this attempted relationship crashes and burns?
As the wreckage of this friendship plunges to a watery grave, will I see a corpse floating by or is its abscence a sure sign you were never on-board? Was this a solo flight or had you parachuted to safety shortly after takeoff? Aboard the spirit of St. Hopeful that never made it to the city of love. As the last embers of the burning wreckage are put out by the calming waves it dawns that I'm all alone paddling water in a sea of loneliness.
Flash forward to a possible future and we would have been shoulder to shoulder fighting off a hoarde of face-eating space zombies. Trudging across a barren frozen wasteland. Protocol in place to never be more than within striking distance of each other. Lives set upon a Rock. A firm foundation on which we've both built upon. Immovable even in the shifting sands of time. Love for each other and His for us the only fuel to get us through the dark days and even darker knights. Sparking flames whenever the darkness threatens to engulf us.
Alas, it seems it was not meant to be. I march forward unto dawn alone. A halo-less soldier haunted by memories of a love that never was. Resigned to my fate even though already married to eternity. We will get there eventually just not together. Seemingly aboard different vessels, across different battlefields.