While there are some who are preoccupied with the reasons behind Mr. Carlson's ouster, the significance of the moment can be lost in the cacophony of punditry at this juncture in American history. The ouster is more significant than the reasons behind the ouster. For the first time in history a public figure has been taken out in full view of the American public. A remarkable display of force by America's deep state but more importantly a very public showing of their hand.
This is but one in a series of missteps by Washington's fabled swamp. There is a now a very clear distinction between those who are pro-regime and those who are pro-truth and pro-others. The masks are off. Washington's uniparty is in clear view of all who but gaze at the Capitol and the corrupt media that serves as their personal praetorian guard out in full force. As the veil is lifted and Tyranny's face finally exposed to us all there is hope. The battlelines have now been drawn and each will have to choose which side they choose to fight on.
Image credit: Fox News.