Over the past few days, controversy has erupted over a segment popular "conservative" commentator Steven Crowder did with regard to a contract/agreement he had been offered. His main point of contention was that the contract was predatory but more importantly a form of hush money: As long as he could stay inline with the objectives of our tech overlords he would be fine. Failing to adhere to any of the terms and conditions would result in massive fines. It does however seem that he left out a key detail: The monetary worth of the contract at a claimed 50 million dollars.
While many a "conservative" pundit online have become fixated on this amount, the salient point of the whole conversation is sadly fading away. Mr. Crowder was asked to trade in his silence on key issues for a significant sum. It has been said that silence is golden. Perhaps this is why the daily wire has been a goose in perpetual brooding season. Crowder may have had the potential to be a high value asset to the team. However, it does seem that for the pseudo mainstream conservative publication, what is good for the goose is also good for the gander. Donning the garb of a contractual working Joe, it does seem that Crowder would have had to pander daily to the masses about certain topics.
While there are suggestions that Mr. Crowder may have had ulterior motives, these are judgements that are being made by far off observers. Most of us are not in the playing field and can only but cast the die we have in hand. As is typical of many a conservative pundit, some have already weighed in from Mount Olympus on high, where their egos and noses reside. Occassionaly throwing down bolts of lightning all the while sparking confusion amongst us plebians. Naturally, what is hidden from common view is that everyone is drinking at this watering hole of a non issue. Lions and impalas lapping up the sweet waters of controversy which are a boon to the ratings.
As the tide rises, it does seem that all boats rise along with it regardless of size. However, the "conservative movement" is quickly becoming a sinking city. All trapped in this once underwater haven raptured from the reality above. The world on the surface burns yet the "conservative" denizens have been fooled into becoming little sisters. Quietly humming kumbaya in a monastery of self imposed ignorance. Fleeced by magnates who envision a world of uniformity and conformity. The Great Old Ones who seem to care little for the values of their key audience. The evil they had hoped to keep at bay seems to have escaped and fooled many by hiding its censorial habits. Online pundits The Nun leading the pilgrimage to the demise of a nation by missing the forest for trees. Collusion between Big Tech and Con Inc. is afoot.
It does seem that some have become intoxicated by their own opinions. Sipping elixirs of cynicism has emboldened them to cast stones at Mr. Crowder forgetting that he still is Hermes. A messenger. Winged feet quick to whiz him to each "change my mind" segment that have helped enlighten many an American youth over fallacies that went unexposed by "high minded" others. Meanwhile, Con. Inc. hosts daily talk shows that offer naught more but content filler segments for the busy lives of many an American "conservative." All the while being wrong on crucial issues such as the tyranny and collusion of Big Pharma, Big Media and Big government and catastrophically wrong on the Ukraine money laundering scam. In the midst of the cacaphony, we need to learn to pick the meat from the bones:
Con. Inc.'s collusion with Big Tech and work against "the base."
Public sparring matches between Mr. Crowder and puny god-kings are boring to spectate. This being said, it will be remis if I don't point out that the Daily Wire has done good work exposing those who want to send an infinite shock through God given biology. Attempts at extracting a new Adam & Eve will forever fail as cosmetic changes don't alter genes or birth new definitions for what a woman is.
Let us all rise and be louder. We can vote with our wallets and exit clubs we were never meant to be a part of. Crowder chose to not have his jaws shut. He has been through the wire. This public dispute has given us better clarity on the shenanigans that happen behind the scenes. We are all better for it knowing where allegiances lie.
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