Just started rewatching Blindspot the TV show and I'm feeling rather conflicted. On the one hand, it has really high production values, competent direction, good story writing and actors who are all on point and well cast. On the other, I have grown uncomfortable with the subject matter in recent years. The show covers an FBI investigation into a Jane Doe who's discovered at Time Square, body covered in tattoos(a la Prison Break)that seem to hold key information on various FBI affairs.
The problem with a fictionalised version of the FBI is just that, it's fictionalised. With recent real world scandals that have plagued the bureau, plummeting public trust in American government institutions especially America's 3 letter agencies, it is hard to view them in the same heroic light the TV show paints them in. As with police procedurals we have the same familiar tropes: Good guys, bad guys, some bad guys dressed up as good guys and good guys getting conned into aiding and abetting bad guys. The problem is that of late in the real world it feels as if we just have a litany of bad guys aided and abetted by people who are just trying to keep their heads down and slog through their shifts. Not rub their noses against the wrong people because of fear of repercussions. Very few actually willing to do what is right and suffer the consequences for it.
Shapiro fellow and leading American lawyer Jonathan Turley recently penned a piece on Merrick Garland's refusal to appoint a special counsel to investigate seeming Biden family corruption. Throughout Garland's term as AG, Turley has maintained that the former doesn't have a character problem but rather a personality problem. His silence on key issues such as the bogus FBI raid on Mar-A-Lago explained away as a desire by Garland to steer away from controversy in spite of having the exact opposite effect. To many of us however, the stench of Garland's seeming corruption is almost impossible to ignore. A decaying cadaver of what was perhaps once the hollowed out husk of integrity. Now, just another body ready to be cremated by the would be fires of the new Church committee.
Update: A special counsel has now been appointed, seemingly in response to mounting public pressure. However, it is worth to note that this is to only look at the classified materials affair and not Biden Family corruption in relation to the young Biden.