In brightest day, in blackest night, may no evil deed escape my sight. So goes the oath of the Green Lantern Corp. Often nesting in great works of art do we find some of life's most valuable truths. There for the taking for those who seek them. Light leads, light guides, light provides. The seeming perpetual darkness that threatens to engulf us hangs heavy like a deathly fog. Each breathe we take laboured as we gasp for the freshness brought about by good news. Any good news. Lately however, it does seem that even the carrier pigeons ferrying messages of hope have disappeared into the fog not to be seen again. Their fading hoots but a distant memory.
Through the darkness, we stumble and fall feeling our way. Involuntarily kissing our own feet and those of others, our noses scraping the rock filled ground. Even as we bleed from cuts and bruises we can always lift our heads up and gaze into the distance. We may not be able to clearly discern lights source but its warmth forever beckons us. Drawing us ever closer to freedom. Away from this quagmire that is often one of our own making. As we inch closer to light's glow, slowly our eyes pry open to be kissed by its warmth. The shroud of coldness that had clung to it like a cloak, robbing it of its warmth eventually gives way to light's warm embrace. Hope's caress. Gentle, loving.
We may not be the masters of our own destiny but in this village ravaged by what seems to be an everlasting flood of disappointment, Light has to be crowned chief. Those who seek to destroy us have in vain attempted to bury light in caskets and tombs made out of stone. Without its guidance, we are naught more than warring tribesmen in need of direction. Light's greatest sacrifice is imparting itself in those who are willing to have it nest in them. Alien yet not terrifying. Chests will burst forth with everlasting joy splattering onto those around us. A light that never dies. A light that multiplies. A light that wont die for as long as we are willing ot carry it within us even in blackest night.
Image credit: Pinterest, unknown artist.