We need to learn to take our victories where we can, even if we are unsure of the outcome. The #twitterfilesaren't just a victory, they are a nuke that is primed and ready to go. Whoever ceases them will ride into victory, forward unto dawn. We don't need halos to deliver on that.
A lot of chatter about Musk's ulterior motives with regard to the #twitterfiles. Rightfully so and fully warranted. Even Greenwald says his spider senses are tingling all over the place(not in those quite exact words). So are mine. I think this is a recruitment of the general public and highly placed individuals in Elon's personal battles that may be yet to come.
Nonetheless, this is a victory. Truth will out. A lot of it came out.
Also, by choosing to use Matt Taibbi to release the twitter files the main stream media's monopoly on authenticity has been shattered. Greenwald, speaking of the Snowden affair, said that he had to partner with media house of repute to highlight the gravitas of the situation but also to have the public treat the story as credible. The Taibbi angle has turned this topsy turvy as independents have now been elevated over the corrupt main stream media machine. Victory for independent journalists tonight.
Image credit: CNBCFM