It's rather unsettling to watch and hear Americans rip each other apart over choice of leadership and a failed attempt to claim a republican majority in both houses. Lots of pontification going on and blame shifting. Saddest part of all is that many who are doing the blaming haven't put their lifestyles and necks on the line for what they believe. Willing to be led by others but never willing to lead.
One of the greatest things about being born in a proper third world country that was then a dictatorship is realising that there is no help from government or elected officials. Change starts small and it starts with individuals. While it's desirable to strive for seismic changes we can only happen at government level, even when they don't happen, we aren't disheartened because we are forever in a state of forward flux. Meaningfully impacting those who are around us and hopefully having them do the same to others.