I'm currently playing through CoD MWII's single player campaing and while I'm not yet enarmoured by it thus far, two missions really stand out: The Mexico Mission and the preceding Texas mission that lays some of the ground work which is later built upon. In the Texas mission, you play as the second in command to one of Mexico's special forces leaders. The mission starts with you chasing fleeing terrorists into a South Texan neighbourhood along the border wall as they are smuggled over by Mexican narcos. In classic call of duty fair you get involved in a foot chase and shoot out that involves breaking into the homes of civillians in pursuit of the fleeing terrorist. The chase is tense as much like the camden house mission you are confronted by innocent civillians caught in the cross hairs of someone else's war.
This has been my favourite mission thus far in the campaign because we get to see some of the impact that these illegal border crossings have on the lives of those who live along the border. How skirmishes with those skirting the law and law enforcement agencies can spill over into civillain homes with disastrous effects. Because the player gets to play the second in command as opposed to the person leading the mission we are afforded an outside perspective on the unfolding events albeit being active participants. The story direction here is brilliant as it issues commentary through the visuals and character interactions with very little uttered from our protagonists.