Every now and again I make the mistake of engaging in a debate with people whose world view and opinion is shaped by ignorance. An ignorance to facts and an unwillingness to accomodate other view points even if ultimately not agreeing with them. Naturally, this always end up being an exercise in futility and frustration. The more I try to pass a point across the more resistance I'm met with and the more entrenched I become in intellectual quick sand. Each struggle for progress belies deadly self made traps that pull me deeper into the quick sand of mental gymnastics.
Propaganda wins each time because humans have been created to be emotional beings. Our emotions rule out logic and take posession of our wills and desires. Thus why the first wall of defence to fall in a time of war is that of logic betrayed by beating bleeding hearts. Often times, we forget that the end goal of debate is never to win an argument but to gain brothers and sisters. People with whom we can have disagreements with but never cease having great respect and love for each other.
I find deep discomfort in trying to eke out reason from barrels filled with the emptiness of propaganda and hate peddled by the corrupt corporate media. I've learned to keep my peace and hold my tongue. Leave and let live. Ultimately truth will out. Always.
Image credit: Found on pinterest awhile back and kept it since. Sadly, can't track down original source.