My Thoughts On The War, 1 Week Into It: The More Things Change The More They Stay The Same
I had written this piece as a pitch(Plus accompanying video companion piece) for Glenn Greenwald's "Outside Voices." Sadly, it never got picked but was really glad(and humbled)that his editor got in touch and we had a back and forth for several weeks.
If you search on here you'll see that the piece was locked for nearly 3 weeks before I opened it up to everyone for reading:
"Ukraine, its allies and supporters need to be careful with what appears to be overwhelming support. This support could easily turn into a benediction of doom. Where chaos ensues opportunity abounds. The world is filled with opportunists. Some who would rev up the engine of war for quick profits and others who wish to control the destiny of many, if not all, under the guise of benevolence.
The overwhelming support that BLM enjoyed during the summer of 2020 riots did not translate to much meaningful progress. For many, this support quickly soured. The BLM organisation is said to have 60 million dollars in funds that are unaccounted for as first reported by the Washington journal.
As governments increase defence spending, it would be remiss if I don’t point out that significant chunks of funding set aside for the failed Afghanistan nation building project are still unaccounted for. Ultimately, 20 years down the line and the Afghani people have nothing but misery and tears to show for America’s failed nation building hoax. Many of the same people involved in the collapse of Afghanistan are now involved in Ukraine.
The war in Ukraine is a tragedy. Unfortunately, tragedies make good plays and there seem to be many actors involved in Ukraine on the international stage. We must be careful in that in lending our support, in whatever shape or form, we don’t aid the collapse of Ukraine and the demise of its peoples. Peace has to be pursued. As the world sails through uncharted waters, ever closer to a nuclear war, we need to be careful in riding the wave of public emotion and sentimentality. Cooler heads need to prevail."-Keli.
Excerpt from: