So I finally beat Batman Season 2: The Enemy within and I think my overall impression is positive. From my video deep dive it was clear that there are things I don't like about it such as the illusion of choice. This idea of being given some degree of control over the narrative to only find out that the story was always meant to follow certain story beats regardless of what choices one made.
This being said, the direction of the fight sequences is definitely a highlight. From the Hans Zimmer-esque Batman begins audio soundscape to the Nolan-esque Dark Knight themes explored: Does the Batman create the very villains he aims to stop. Are the Joker and Batman really just flip sides to the same coin? The fight sequences aren't ends in themselves but also a story telling device. Through each punch thrown or projectile dodged more depth is added to the story. The brutal nature of the fights themselves also help create a microcosm of Batman's world. Each blow could be his last and each strike is just as deadly.
I'm not sure if there was a third season planned before Telltale games went burst but there is a post credit scene with the Joker musing over Batman/Bruce Wayne. Fortunately, the studio has been revived and it does seem they are working on two new titles. Here's to hoping we have a season 3. I do think that both seasons are worth revisiting due to the branching narratives even if changes do seem to be somewhat limited.