I've heard many people with a "conservative" bent speak of how the Capitol Hill riots were horrifying to watch unfold. Shock and even anger at such a brazen attempt to alter the outcome of an election. While never publicly uttered their statements infer a level of culpability to President Trump greater than what could be made by the vaguest of connections.
What I haven't heard is how horrifying it must have been for those in America who had to live under seige by BLM & Antifa rioters, looters, thugs, anarchists and agitators who were cheered on by media and had political violence normalised by politicians(uni party)who refused to denounce their violence. Too many are still willing to give America's DoJ the benefit of the doubt where they deserve non. Frankly, it does seem that elements of the FBI and other law enforcement agencies and government officials were involved in planning and orchestrating events of the day.
I can remember distinctly interacting with Americans after the elections, following their conversations online. The anger was palpable. Sadly, it does seem that this was manipulated into something destructive. The key highlight here is that this does seem to have been for the most part from outside forces. While there might have been a lot of manipulation that went on with the BLM/Antifa riots of 2020, I do think a significant part of that violence started out organically stemming from a culture of unaccountability and entitlement. Segments of the populace who seemed eager to engage in destructive behaviour.
Many "Conservative" leaders have gone on media and offered nothing but a two year funeral procession over the events of the day. They still do. Not one soul who championed BLM/Antifa anarchy, including current VP office holder, offered an apology or offered any empathy or sympathy to those affected. I think it's time to stop grovelling for forgiveness that will never be given and focus on the imperatives: Exposing the hoax that the #insurrection narrative really is.
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