Not a week or two goes by before there is some sort of headline about the latest virtue signalling stunt by some major American corporations. Part of this scam is foisting upon "people of colour" who may or may not be worthy priveleges they don't deserve. While historically people of black and other non-caucasian ethnicities have had a low uptick in property and land ownership a lot of this has to do with personal financial situations and perhaps even culture.
Rather than assess individuals on a per person basis, woke capitol has lumped in any and all "people of colour" together and is offering them freebies based simply on their skin colour to attempt to redress some percieved disadvantage. People of black ethnicity are essentialy being turned into 90s kids who received participation trophies regardless of whether they chose to finish the race or not.
This overt racism is cheered upon by aparatchiks and American denizens alike. Meanwhile, echoes of the collapse of the banking industry during the 2008 financial crisis reverberate from the past, knocking off tiny pebbles off the top of the canyon walls that are a company's financials. Hopefully, this will not trigger a rock slide burying those at the bottom, signals of virtue bouncing off into the ether.